Enhance Management Effectiveness |
The Organizational Management Analysis™ |
Product Information |
Think about your company's culture. Are all your managers aligned with the company's goals and objectives? Do all managers know the direction and can they communicate it effectively to employees? Having your managers work in concert is critical to the success of your organization.
So you've already conducted a Checkpoint™ survey to attain a complete 360° view of the performance of your management team. But how do you summarize all the data from all of the individual Checkpoint feedback reports from a selected group? Such a summary verifies not only individual alignment with the corporate vision, mission, purpose, and strategic goals. This analysis aids in charting a course for the entire organization to achieve its goals with purpose, clarity, and certainty.
The Solution to Your Management Challenges is Closer and Easier Than You May Think
The Organizational Management Analysis™ process examines your company's culture and provides insights to the alignment of management groups with the company's goals and objectives.
- Improve the effectiveness of your management practices.
- Enhance your managers' communication skills.
- Instill stronger leadership skills in your management team.
- Strengthen employees' trust in their managers.
- Create better systems and habits for delegating.
- Increase motivation among both managers and staff.
- Secure more commitment and resolve among managers.
- Encourage creativity and new ideas versus reliance on the status quo.
- Set higher performance standards.
- Resolve conflicts in the workplace more effectively with less stress.
The Organizational Management Analysis summarizes the information from all the individual feedback reports generated by the Profiles Checkpoint™ system for your selected group. The individual feedback report identifies the managers' strengths and areas needing improvement.
Complexity of Keys to Successful Management
Requires the Right Analysis Tool
The key to measuring and developing effective management is knowing that there isn't just a single key. The mix of skills and traits required for top management performance is complex. But with the help of the Organizational Management Analysis, figuring out this complex mix of skills, attitudes, and traits is relatively simple. With this tool, you'll be able to analyze these key factors:
Communication |
Processing Information |
Working efficiently |
Leadership |
Communicating effectively |
Working competently |
Adaptability |
Instilling trust |
Taking action |
Relationships |
Building personal relationships |
Achieving results |
Task management |
Delegating responsibility |
Cultivating individual talents |
Production |
Adjusting to circumstances |
Motivating successfully |
Development of others |
Thinking creatively |
Displaying commitment |
Personal development |
Providing direction |
Seeking improvement |
Listening to others |
Facilitating team success |
Information produced by participation in a Checkpoint Feedback Competency System takes on added significance through an Organizational Management Analysis. This organization alignment tool provides executives with an overview of their managers’ strengths and areas for improvement, and then takes it a step further by verifying managers’ alignment with the organization’s vision, mission, purpose, and strategic goals. This information is essential when planning organizational goals, contributing purpose, clarity, and certainty. Measuring organization alignment is one of the most powerful mechanisms for improving productivity, communication, and efficiency across the enterprise.
The Organizational Management Analysis is an essential element of organizational development. A report generated by this tool presents a compilation of the information obtained from the individual Checkpoint results of a group of managers. The report provides a factual summary of the perceptions of a management group with input from the manager's bosses, peers and direct reports.
Valuable Guidance Toward
Successful Management Decisions
The value of the Organizational Management Analysis is in providing a description of where are we now. This has been described as "the fifth point of the compass". The "fifth point" concept deals with the establishment and communication of a direction in which to take your company. It implies that successful management decisions are predicated on knowing where you stand now. False assumptions often lead to wasted time, effort, and resources. The Organizational Management Analysis report is your guide to future development based on statistically accurate data. When you know where you are and where you want to go, you can chart your course with confidence and certainty.
The Organizational Management Analysis process examines a company's culture and provides insights to the alignment of management groups with the company's goals and objectives. This information is used to analyze the human capital aspects associated with an organization's long-term strategic objectives. The report also provides an analysis of organizational development priorities and defines organizational training needs.
Asking the Right Questions is the Key to
Improving Management Effectiveness
- Would you like to create a baseline measurement against which to track progress in organizational development activities?
- Do your managers and employees share your vision, mission, and values for organizational success?
- Do you have a system to measure/quantify management effectiveness?
- Are your internal management practices in alignment with achievement of organizational goals or is there a negative correlation?
- Do the behavioral skills of supervisors contribute to a positive synergistic impact on performance for your company?
- Are you settling for too little productivity from your management team thus creating a negative profit impact?
Map Your Organization's Path To A Prosperous Future
If you've answered yes to any of these questions, the Organizational Management Analysis is a tool which will boost your bottom-line results.

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Business Insight Technologies
11004 141st St Ct E
Puyallup, WA 98374
Phone: 253-604-4141