You Need to Hire New Employees – Hiring Strategies to Hire Right |
Hiring Solutions |
It's one of the most critically important aspects to building or growing a successful enterprise: Knowing how to attract, interview, and hire the right people for the right jobs within your organization.
With the technical nature of some jobs, the increased exposure to liability of others, and the vastly more competitive marketplace of the 21st century, you simply cannot afford to hire people the old-fashioned way. It used to be good enough to interview your candidates one on one, maybe getting a second or third opinion from additional management or human resources personnel. Overall, the old way to hire was extremely subjective. All too often, the subjective method simply resulted in the wrong person being hired.
21st Century Tools Provide New Hiring Strategies
It may seem mechanical, impersonal, or clinical to have your candidates take an assessment. The new tools, though, have been tested and refined over many years. So much so, that they're more accurate predictors of employees' performance than any subjective interview. In fact, many employers now will not hire a candidate for whom assessments indicate a poor job fit, even when interviewers give their subjective approvals.
The first hiring assessment used by industry-leading organizations is the Profile XT™. With this tool, you'll measure candidates' job interests, their work styles, and their work-related attitudes. You'll set up a benchmark profile against which the candidates' answers are compared. The Profile XT assessment is typically taken and administered online, with the results available virtually immediately.
It's Not About Personality Testing
Personality testing may give you insights into the attitudes, work habits, and styles of your people. But typical personality tests don't go far enough or provide you with the right information.
What you really need are assessments which tell you how well a specific candidate fits a specific job. The Profile XT even provides interview questions and coaching suggestions for optimizing the productivity of your new hires.
The New Rules May Require Gathering More Data
You also need to peer behind your candidates' and your employees' applications to learn more about their attitudes on touchy issues like drugs, theft, violence in the workplace, absenteeism, and integrity. For this closer look, use the Profiles Step One Survey II™. This assessment will help you prevent issues before you hire someone.
The Objective Partner You Need to Develop the Right System for Hiring, Training, Retaining, and Managing Your Employees
Implementing the assessments is one thing. Understanding what the results mean to your situation is something else. While the reports provided by all the Profiles products are easy to read, with large, colorful graphs and charts, you need to learn how to interpret how those results will manifest in employee performance. The expert consulting you need is from Business Insight Technologies, as close as a phone call or online contact form to request a complimentary consultation.

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Business Insight Technologies
11004 141st St Ct E
Puyallup, WA 98374
Phone: 253-604-4141