Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Your questions are welcomed. If you can't find the answer to your question in the list below, please feel free to contact us. You'll also find more FAQ's for each product in the list to the right.
Click on a question to reveal the answer.
Q. How are the Profiles International assessments different from "personality tests"?
A. A generic "personality test" is typically too broad to be of specific use in the organizational environment. The Profiles International assessments focus on a variety of indicators to provide specific guidance for making management decisions. The Profile XT, for example, measures whether a candidate for a position is the right fit for a job based on multiple factors. Along with the report on how their skills and interests and work styles fit the job, you'll also get a list of interview questions and management
suggestions to help this person maximize their performance should you decide to hire them.
Read the descriptions of the Profiles International assessments to learn more about how each one provides a solution for you.
Q. What do these assessments cost?
A. The assessments are prepaid and range in price from $N to $X. Compared to the cost of using a staffing agency, or the expense of hiring the wrong person, or the increased productivity you'll gain by having the right person in the right job, the price of the assessment is small by comparison, well worth the investment.
Q. How much time does the process take to administer the assessments and receive reports?
A. Setting the benchmark for some tests may take a few hours initially. Completing the assessments takes from 30 minutes to a couple of hours. Reports are generated instantly and can be viewed online or sent via e-mail.
Q. I've lost my Assessment Center password, or my current password is not working.
A. To obtain a new password, go to, then click the "log in" button. On the next screen, click the link labeled "Forgot your password? Get a new one". Enter your username and click the "Send" button. The system will send the new password to your email address.
Q. What if I have questions about the results of an assessment?
A. You can rely on the experts at Business Insight Technologies to help you. A simple phone call may answer your specific questions. Or, you may want to schedule a consultation session to learn how best to prepare for the assessments and to understand the deeper implications of the reported results.
Q. Is there any gender or racial bias in the assessments I should be concerned about?
A. All of the Profiles International assessments have been designed to be gender, race, and age neutral. You can use the assessments in complete confidence that they will be appropriate and fair for everyone.
Q. What do you mean by the "People Puzzle"?
A. An organization is only as good as its human resources. Your people are your greatest strength and at the same time, could be your greatest weakness. Solving problems like turnover and employee theft are visibly obvious issues; but more money is actually lost due to having the wrong people in the wrong jobs, ineffective managers and salespeople, and teams which do not communicate and work together efficiently. Getting all these pieces to fit together toward achieving your objectives is what we call the "People Puzzle". The assessments and consulting services provided by Business Insight Technologies will help you solve your "People Puzzle".
Q. Which assessment tool is right for my situation? Which one I should use first?
A. Deciding on which assessment tools will help your organization and which ones should be given priority depend on your goals and objectives and the current state of your organization. To make sure you have a plan toward achieving your goals, contact Business Insight Technologies today and schedule a complimentary initial consultation.
Q. What if I need help with other human resource issues?
A. Whether you need help designing a policy manual or a benefits package or a plan for worker retraining and more, contact Business Insight Technologies. If we can't help you with your specific need, we will identify and recommend
the right experts to help you solve your specific issues.
Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation. You'll also receive some valuable tips to help you be the hero in solving your human resource issues.

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Business Insight Technologies
11004 141st St Ct E
Puyallup, WA 98374
Phone: 253-604-4141